Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Theory X, Y

In my first class of principles of management, we studied about a theory – Theory X & Y which really focuses on how different manager have different thinking about management style and then we compared them. I think each individual have experienced about these theories, either as a worker or a manager in a team. Let us first know what theory says.

According to Theory X & Y,
1) Manager can think workers as of 2 types – Lazy one and Good one
     Lazy one has a negative thinking attitude and doesn’t like to work and achieve at all even though they posses good quality. And Good one has positive thinking and always keen to achieve the targets.
2) So Based on their thinking, MANAGERS are of 2 types – X & Y
  X thinks negatively and assumes workers are Lazy one, and Y thinks positively and considers his workers as Good one.
This led to four type of organizational team

Working Scenario
It is dangerous for an organization
It is Most dangerous for an organization
Organization can do better with this type of team
This type of team give best results

Each organization goes around with these 4 types of team. 2nd one is most dangerous because even though team is good in their work, even though they have capability to achieve targets, their manager doesn’t consider them as good. He/she thinks his/her workers as lazy one and thinks that this team cannot achieve success. This negative attitude of manager will create downfall for the team.

To explain situation 3, best example I think of is a cricket match that I played while Inter-branch tournament at college. We were in IT team with our captain as one of my class mate – Gaurav.  Our match was against the best team of the tournament – Mechanical team. My team and I were predetermined that we will go to lose as we are playing against best team but our captain didn’t think so. Our negative attitude affected our performance and we scored very less. Then while bowling, our captain performed in first over and got early breakthrough which motivated our team. Then his continuous praising and performance lifted up teams moral and we won the match. So now situation 3 has been changed to situation 4 as each team player started performing his best and team won the match. Same situation happen many times in our life.

Another best example for manager Y can be mothers and teachers who always motivate their child and student, whatever may be the scenario. So with my personal experiences, I can relate this theory and I can come to a conclusion that being manager Y is best for an organization. In future , I will going to be a manager ,may be of an organization team or may be of my owned firm, and I will always try to think positively and believe in my team. 

1 comment:

  1. Blog is not insufficient for good placement.. my dear.. it is too sketchy.. Do you think it narrates your learnings to any reader who reads your blog..? dr mandi
